Expiration dates are one of the most important pieces of information on a food product. They tell you when the food will go bad and is no longer safe to eat. However many people don’t know how to read them.

Here’s a guide to help you understand expiration dates:

The first thing you need to know is that there are two types of expiration dates: “sell by” and “use by.” “Sell by” dates are for the store’s inventory purposes. The food is still safe to eat after this date but it may not be at its best quality.

“Use by” dates are when the food actually expires and is no longer safe to eat.

Here are some common expiration date abbreviations and what they mean:

“Packed on” or “pack date”: This is the date the food was packaged.

“Expires on” or “use by”: This is the date the food will expire and is no longer safe to eat.

“Best if used by”: This is the date the food will be at its best quality. It’s still safe to eat after this date but the flavor or texture may not be as good.

“Sell by”: This is the date the store needs to sell the food by.

The food is still safe to eat after this date but it may not be at its best quality.

Now that you know how to read expiration dates you can be sure that you’re eating food that is safe and of the best quality.

What do expiration dates on food products really mean?

The expiration date on a food product is the date after which the food should not be eaten.

Why do expiration dates exist?

Expiration dates exist to ensure that food is eaten while it is still safe.

Do all foods have expiration dates?

No not all foods have expiration dates.

How long can I safely eat food after the expiration date?

It depends on the food.

Some foods can be safely eaten after the expiration date while others can’t.

How can I tell if food is still safe to eat after the expiration date?

If the food has changed color smells bad or has mold on it it is not safe to eat.

Do expiration dates apply to all food products?

No expiration dates only apply to certain food products.

Which food products have expiration dates?

Products that are particularly prone to spoiling such as meat dairy and eggs typically have expiration dates.

Why do some food products have expiration dates while others don’t?

Food products that spoil quickly need to have expiration dates to ensure that they are eaten while they are still safe.

What happens if I eat food that is past its expiration date?

You may get food poisoning which can cause symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea.

Is it always harmful to eat food that is past its expiration date?

No sometimes food that is past its expiration date is still safe to eat.

How can I tell if food that is past its expiration date is still safe to eat?

If the food has changed color smells bad or has mold on it it is not safe to eat.

What should I do with food that is past its expiration date?

You should throw it away.

Can I still use food that is past its expiration date?

No you should not use food that is past its expiration date.

What happens if I use food that is past its expiration date?

The food may not be effective and you may put yourself at risk for food poisoning.

What should I do if I’m not sure if food is still safe to eat?

You should throw it away.



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